KYSC Coaches Corner
ALL COACHES and ASST. COACHES must create a GotSport account. Once you have setup an account, you will need to re-register each season (Spring and Fall). Please click HERE > Team & Team Officials > Individual Coach
All former and new coaches /Asst. coaches are REQUIRED to:
1. Successfully register and pass a BACKGROUND CHECK
(Every 2 years)
2. Complete the SAFESPORT training modules.
(Every year; Refresher after 1st year)
3. Complete the CDC Heads Up Concussion Awareness Training
(Every 2 years)
4. Complete the Spring 2025 Coach's Registration.
All components are mandatory in order for the adult to receive a KidSafe Participation pass to be added to your team as a coach. Components 2, 3 and 4 are linked through the individual’s GotSoccer account.
You can access the courses by logging into your individual coach/manager account. The courses are not available through the team account.
This LINK for SafeSport training may help you with login.
Please download and review the Coaches Manual for more information regarding the training requirements and penalty for non compliance.
Thank you for volunteering your time and talents to get our kids involved in the game of soccer. Please address any questions to the VP Coaches at vp-kysc-coaches@katyyouthsoccer.com.


Coaches - Please do your best to make the games FUN for the players. If your team is dominating the game by more than 4 goals, possibly try some other strategies to make the game more enjoyable for both sides!
RESPECT On the Field! Check out this YouTube video to see how NOT to behave on the sidelines.
Below we've posted some helpful links that can hopefully assist you in your role as a KYSC volunteer coach. You have taken the first step in becoming an important figure in making a difference in a child's life; helping them to learn the game of soccer, having fun, and playing with good sportsmanship!
Want to learn more about the specifics of an "Offside" call? Then click HERE to see a great pictorial description. (The offside rule is enforced starting at the U10 and higher division games.)
Fall 2024 Coaches Manual
STYSA bylaws require all coaches to complete a minimum coaching license (Youth Module) within one (1) year of beginning to coach. Failure to do so can result in being ineligible to continue coaching.